Opening Hours: 7am to 5.30pm
24hr access available on request

0800 038 5810

Moorhouse Industrial Park, off A25 Westerham Road, Westerham, Kent, TN16 2EU.

The Depot, Pixham Lane, Dorking, RH4 1PH.

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  • 8x5x8 foot
  • 40 sq foot
  • 4 sq metres
  • 8 cubic metres

£19.60 per week or £85 per calendar month

Our 5ft containers are the ideal size for storing the contents of a large van – typically around 80 to 100 boxes. A popular choice for small businesses and tradesmen as a cache for key tools, equipment and resources in general. These containers are also the perfect size for storing two motorbikes or the contents of smaller-sized flats. Great for relocation purposes, or simply to hold onto the possessions you currently don’t have space for on your property.

Available for the low price of £19.60 per week or £85 per month, our terms and container prices are fully flexible for maximum convenience. Call to discuss your needs for an accurate price quotation.

For Storage?

    For information on container storage hire or sales call 0800 038 5810

    For all your storage needs throughout London, Surrey, Sussex & Kent